Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Digital Imaging and Intraoral Cameras in the Office

Many is the patient who is confused by an x-ray image, and for good reason. While their doctors are trained to examine this sort of photography, you might not see the same thing that the doctor sees. However, the digital imaging and intraoral cameras used at Cadena Dentistry are much easier to work with for both you and your Del Rio dentists.

The problem with older imaging techniques

It is essential that you and the health professionals who treat you are kept up to date with the status of your health, and participate in the co-diagnosis process. It is for this reason that the previous generation of imaging techniques are no longer viable, as they fail to easily include the patient in the diagnosis process. Failing to address this issue leads to a strained doctor-patient relationship, as you are never truly able to participate in the planning of your own dental treatment.

Digital Imaging instead of Film

One of the best advances that digital imaging has brought is the ability for a doctor to better explain x-ray results. With the move away from film-based radiology, doctors can now easily enhance the results of your x-rays, showing you the precise placement of any treatment you may need. With modern x-ray sensors and imaging tools, your dentist can easily obtain x-rays of any affected areas you may have within seconds of taking them. This will allow you to not only see what your treatment plan will impact precisely, but will enable you to participate in the process.

Intraoral Cameras

Another beneficial technological advance in the dental field has been the increased use of intraoral cameras—small, non-invasive cameras used to take pictures within a patients mouth. These cameras can show you the effect of any decay that you might have, and can help your dentist better educate you on the prevention and possible treatments unique to your situation. Intraoral cameras also offer a more easily understandable type of imaging, preventing you from having to struggle with the sometimes poor clarity of x-ray imaging.

Come see the benefits of digital imaging today

Schedule and appointment with Cadena Dentistry today so we can help you be a part of planning comfortable dental treatments in the areas of Del Rio, Brackettsville, and Eagle Pass.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Dental Implant Parts: How Your New Teeth Stay Strong

At Cadena Dentistry, our dentists rebuild patients’ smiles through various restorative dentistry procedures. One of the more popular procedures that Drs. Louis Cadena and Valerie Cadena-Vargas offer is dental implant restorations, but not everyone knows what is involved in receiving these replacement teeth.

In short, dental implants utilize three different parts to properly replace missing teeth.

Implant Post

The implant post is a titanium screw-like rod that anchors your replacement tooth in place.

Implant posts are successful in supporting new teeth because of the material’s biocompatibility. Titanium is unique because it can fuse into bone, making implant posts integrate into the jaw when they are surgically placed by our Del Rio dentists. After a period of healing, the implant posts will have completed the osseointegration process. The result is that the implant post will serve as an artificial tooth root, securing the implant restoration.


The abutment is the connective piece that holds the dental restoration in place. When Dr. Cadena or Dr. Cadena-Vargas determines that your implant post has fully fused to the jaw, the abutment is attached to the post before the restoration. The restoration is closely secured to the implant post, which further strengthens the implant’s functionality.

Dental Restoration

Once the implant post has fully integrated into the jaw, the dental implant restoration is then placed atop the post and abutment. This restoration serves as the visible chewing surface of the replacement tooth or teeth.

There are several different restorations that could be placed by our Del Rio dentists, depending upon how many teeth need to be reconstructed and how many implants have been placed. If a single implant post is placed to restore just one missing tooth, Drs. Cadena and Cadena-Vargas can use a zirconia crown. Between two to six implants can support a porcelain fixed bridge, which can replace a row of several teeth. If multiple teeth across an arch need replacement, a partial denture can be supported by several implants; full dentures anchored by implants can be used as well in order to replace a full arch of missing teeth.

Call Us Today for Dental Implants!

Cadena Dentistry is proud to help patients in Del Rio, Brackettville, and Eagle Pass rebuild their smiles with dental implants. To learn more or schedule an appointment regarding this restorative procedure, call us today!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Getting Healthy Gums with LANAP

Periodontal disease is nothing new, and it is something that is currently affecting around half of the population of the United States. Millions of patients of any age are currently dealing with the side effects of gum disease: bad breath, bleeding gums, loose or missing teeth, and pain during brushing or flossing. However, there is a procedure for treating gum disease that has gained favor with leading dental offices around the world. This treatment is called laser-assisted new attachment procedure, or LANAP, and it offers several key benefits over traditional periodontal disease treatment methods. Cadena Dentistry can treat periodontal disease with LANAP in Del Rio, Brackettville, and Eagle Pass.

What is LANAP?

LANAP is a surgical treatment option wherein the dental laser removes diseased gum tissue and sterilizes healthy gums tissue. Drs. Cadena and Cadena-Vargas will use the LANAP laser to treat the periodontal pocket near the tooth, killing the bacteria that causes gum disease and increasing access to the tooth for plaque and tartar removal. The end result of the procedure from our Del Rio dentists is healthy gum tissue which is more likely to regenerate gum tissue.

What are the benefits of LANAP?

LANAP does not simply replace traditional gum disease treatments, but is often used in tandem with traditional scaling and root planing procedures. However, using LANAP in conjunction with these traditional procedures, rather than taking a purely traditional approach by using a scalpel instead, has several advantages for patients in the Del Rio area:

Greater Comfort - Instead of cutting open the gums to remove decaying tissue, the LANAP laser can more precisely target and dissolve affected areas. This generally results in substantially increased comfort for the patient.

Quicker Recovery - LANAP minimizes the risks associated with bleeding, infections, and overall recovery, and that translates into a quicker recovery time for most patients. It also tends to take less time to perform than the surgical, traditional gum disease treatment.

Once the procedure is complete and the periodontal pocket has healed, our dentists and your oral hygiene routine will help you prevent future occurrences of gum disease.

To learn more about the benefits of LANAP, simply contact Cadena Dentistry today. Drs. Louis Cadena and Valerie Cadena-Vargas are happy to schedule a consultation regarding gum disease treatment options for their patients in Del Rio, Brackettville, and Eagle Pass.