Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dental Implants

Do you have a missing, extracted or damaged tooth?  This common dental problem is more than a cosmetic issue.  Smile gaps can affect your oral health, too.  Fortunately, we offer a number of restorative dental solutions at our practice, including dental implants

Dental implants provide patients with a sturdy, secure and natural looking prosthetic tooth.  Since they are placed directly into the jawbone, they offer the same stability you would expect from a natural tooth.  At our practice, each dental implant is custom designed to blend in with your smile.  Many of our patients have found that dental implants restore their smile confidence. 

If you are in need of a tooth replacement, visit our office and learn more about the benefits of dental implants.  We are happy to work with patients to determine the best restorative option for your smile needs.